We help hotels, resorts and campgrounds get $12,000 in direct bookings in 7 days

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Tired of paying high commissions to Expedia, Booking, AirBnB and others?

Yeah! I know.

I've been the Marketing Director of a resort for more than 6 years, and it hurts.

It hurts your P&L, and your bonus (at least mine).

But, it's difficult to fill up your establishment with direct bookings only.

And, yes, of course, they bring you travelers.

So, most of the times, you cannot get rid of this type of companies at 100%.


Is there an alternative?

Something that let you reduce them to a minimum?

Something that makes direct bookings your main source of revenue?

Something that makes almost all bookings come from your website?

It's not a bad idea, isn't it?

Well, you can.

Combining email marketing with our proprietary NHPC system.

That's what we have done in the last 6 years in my last company.

It helped us increase our direct bookings.

It re-engaged and incentivized old customers.

It increased my bonus.

So, it might be useful to you.

Have you thought of how this might impact you?

I don't know if you have, but not only will it reduce commissions to 3rd parties, but also it will bolster your cash flow.

So, it means you will have money to spend much earlier than usual.

And, maybe, if it's your case, you won't need to take out a loan or credit.

What about predictability?

It happened to me.

Before introducing email marketing to the strategies, it was harder to address forecast predictions.

But if you have bookings in advance, you will know how the season will perform, and adapt to it, and make adjustments to get to your objectives.

I could even increase bookings during low demand seasons.

That was really a high leverage strategy.

On low demand seasons it's hard to get visitors to your website through Google and bookings through OTAs.

But, with email marketing, you can remind your customers to come back and make subscribers spend a weekend there.

So, if you have a list of, at least 6,000 real subscribers or old clients and you can send them emails...
Book your enrollment call now

Here's How This Works

As the Marketing Director of a resort for more than 6 years, and making it grow from $1M to $8M in revenue, I've developed the NHPC system that was used in all marketing strategies and campaigns for this resort.

What is the NHPC system?

NHPC stands for Neuro-Holistic Persuasive Communication. It’s a system I’ve developed that considers the psychological, behavioral, and cognitive traits of the target client and combines it with psychology and persuasion principles to create highly effective communication.

In plain words, we take into account how your client is, how he thinks, how he makes decisions, and we use the principles of psychology and persuasion to communicate properly to him, resulting in more sales.

When we work together, we'll go through the following steps:

In order to apply NHPC we have to understand your customer. And, at the same time, we will analyze your company, your voice, your style, your language and your "products" and accommodations.

You and I will have a meeting to schedule the different products to promote, the offers that will be sent and the discounts to offer, if any.

With all the information collected and the planning on the table, we will design the emails and write them. If agreed, we will create the automations needed in order to increase the performance of the campaign.

Is key to have a large number of repeat buyers. It's always cheaper to make them repeat than get new ones. So we will try hard to make them come back again, re-engaging with them, and collecting more data.

Both you and I need to know how well the campaigns are performing. It is important that we are able to track if bookings are coming from these campaigns and we will provide you with the results. 

Book Your Enrollment Call Today

The purpose of this call is to figure out where you are right now with email marketing in your business and determine how we can help. Looking forward to chatting with you!
Duration: 45 mins
Type: Phone call